Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Time For The Prophets

So I finally received my copy of Gerhard Von Rad's Old Testament Theology a few days ago. Of course it is dense, crazy, and thoroughly German all-over. But it's also extremely thought-provoking. On page 64, referring to the formation of the state of Israel and the emergence of the prophets, he wrote this; "the emergence of the prophets is very closely connected with four data which were all prepared long in advance." So let's look at these now, because honestly I think we are more than ready for a prophetic emergence in our culture today!

First, there was "the degeneracy of Jahwism because of syncretism." A friend of mine was listening to a lecture the other day from Michael Frost, who claims that we have continually done church wrong since Constantine. I would agree, and would claim that sycretism is behind it. It's more than morality in the church, it's ethical. It has to do with taking bold, counter-cultural steps of faith rather than simply sinning less.

"The second was of a political nature, the systematic emancipation from Jahweh and the protection which it offered, due to the formation of the state." The state had "her armaments and alliances," and consequently did not need to trust Jahweh anymore, since she could trust her strength and wits instead. Does that sound like any countries you know?

Thirdly, the divide between the rich and the poor was growing at breakneck speeds, due specifically to taxation to keep the monarchy in power and powerful. Of course for the subsistence farmer this made mere subsisting more difficult and caused them to move from getting by to poverty levels, no doubt forcing them into an economic system that exploited them or else having to become slaves to their fellow Israelites. Of course our government and their big business friends have no relation to all of this...

The last development was the rise of other powerful nations. Israel grew strong during a time when there were no real superpowers in the world. But then Assyria grew to power, followed immediately by "neo-Babylon," then Babylon herself. The prophets saw God's judgment within the growing strength of these nations.

Could it be that God is raising up powers to humble our strong nation? The Puritans came here to be a city on the hill, but instead we have become a place of sycretism, where there can be rich Christians in a world of poverty and idolatrous views of nation and possessions are encouraged and welcomed in the church. We have the most powerful army in the world, no doubt to protect our massive amounts of wealth, never realizing the amount of fear and anxiety that are burried within our desire for a stronger military, not to mention our complete lack of faith or trust in God. It reveals our inability to even understand who God is and how he works.

As our "Christian" nation continues to exploit the people and resources of the world for itself, I wonder if God will begin raising up prophets right here. I wonder what will happen to them. I can't imagine that they'll be invited to the Presidential prayer breakfast...or the Willow Creek Leadership Summit...or even into most churches. But all the same, I believe that it is time for the prophets to reemerge.


Currently Reading: Von Rad's Old Testament Theology, Volume I.

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