Thursday, November 10, 2005

For those interested in Revelation...

Our mandatory class on Revelation was actually quite amazing. I typically feel like the freak at work because my theology doesn't line up with a lot of other peoples'. So when an outside expert came and shared about Revelation and affirmed everything I say and stand for, well, I just have to say that I felt much better about what I believe.

The most important thing to me was that he put the entire book in its 1st centruy context, which makes an amazing difference in how you read it. He also made sure to continually point out that the point of the book is to cause us to live differently today, specifically living into God's kingdom. If we are continually trying to figure out when the world will end, who the antichrist is, or whether or not some new technology is "the mark of the beast," we are no longer living fully into God's kingdom.

I could go on, but I have to go to work... My parting shot is this: Prof. Ron's reading of Revelation is that John's apocalypse was written because churches weren't being persecuted enough and needed to set themselves apart from their corrupt culture. Where are we doing the same? And why do we believe in a rapture if God calls us to be persecuted?

Okay, okay, one more thing. The rapture is garbage. It could happen, but it is doubtful. There is only one small passage in Revelation that could cause somebody to believe in it. Most rapture belief comes from Thessalonians. But the point of the passage is that the people come out to welcome their king into town, a common occurrence in the ancient east. Which means the king then comes into the city with the people, rather than lead everybody out. It is a historically based passage that continues to be read out of context.

Now I really have to get back to work. Maybe I'll blog more about this if anybody is interested.



P.T. Peterson said...

I'm interested.

ronpie said...

your mom is interested