Monday, November 07, 2005

Back to complaints as usual

Okay, I've been trying not to complain as much on my blog lately, but today I just gotta let it out.

First of all, is even one person out there who really gets what the church is here for? I received an e-mail from a student today that literally said "this god thing isn't working for me anymore". What the heck do you do with something like that? Lately I'm averaging two people per week (literally) who threaten to stop coming to our church. Never is it a matter of theological disagreement, just simply people choosing when to be and not be "religious" depending upon their emotional state. Has anybody read the gospels? Do we get that this is about God, not us? About his kingdom, not our will? Frustrating!

Secondly, I have many theological heroes who fall under the "emergent" umbrella. Part of this means that they are supposedly bloggers. What sucks is this: their blogs have turned into massive advertisements! "I'll be speaking here next Tuesday..." "My book comes out next month and ______ says you should buy it..." I'm not saying they shouldn't mention these sorts of things, but really if that's all they mention, I'm done going to their pages. Which is exactly the truth.

Lastly, I am spending all day tomorrow in a mandatory class on Revelation. It could be good... the problem is in the fact that I seem to disagree with a majority of my church co-workers and I can't help but think that it's all about to hit the fan (again). I don't want to get peeved-off, or make anyone else angry. Guess we'll see what happens.


Currently Reading: Religion, Politics, and the Christian Right by Mark Lewis Taylor. I love that it is based on Tillich's writing, but I'm still not overly impressed. I'm also reading some N.T. Wright articles dealing with the book of Revelation so I can be ready for tomorrow.


P.T. Peterson said...

See, that's why I like to work among the pagans. At least I can understand when they disagree with me.

May you persevere and find hope, my brother. Let us know when you find out who the Antichrist is.

Emma said...

you say to the kid... 'this god thing was never intended to be something to work for ya.... it was intended to revolutionize your life... to be the hardest thing yet most freeing thing simeltaneously that you've ever encountered.' but... if this god thing isn't working for you... you probably missed that all together in the first place.

just kidding... you might not want to say that... but maybe you can think it.

ronpie said...

wait- I thought that Bill Hybles was the antichrist.