Monday, August 15, 2005

My Reality

In all honesty, I would have to say that the Willow Creek Leadership Summit was not nearly as bad as I expected. It seems that low expectations helped make it easier to handle! The truth, though, is that I came out of it more confused than ever. Here' my reality:

I love the church, but hate "going to church."

I want to serve others, yet it's people who give me ulcers and leave me feeling depressed and empty.

I want to do ministry, but feel like working at a church is only meetings and paperwork.

I care about the poor and hurting, but am afraid to follow my dreams of helping them.

I love my community, but am afraid to reach out to them and discover they don't feel the same way.

I absolutely love the students in my ministry, yet feel no connection with the church I work at.

I want to serve Christ in the way I feel led to do so, but am afraid of the way I would be looked at because of it.

I am tired, depressed, frustrated and angry. I am sick of the American church and the crap it calls faith. I'm also excited, energized and ready to kick @$$ in the name of Jesus!

That's my current reality.


Currently Reading: Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is (Penguin Classics) by Friedrich Nietzsche.


P.T. Peterson said...

Mett, I appreciate your posts, but wish you would be a little more honest.

(Kidding, if you didn't know.)

Sounds like the Mothership Summit wasn't all bad. A lot of emphasis on social justice, I understand -- about time.

Thanks for your sincerity. I'm praying for your life/ministry/future/ulcers.

Love, P

Sam Middlebrook said...

The only one who puts you in this dualistic dillema is you. I'm the only one who puts me in mine.

So, what are we going to do about it?