Monday, August 29, 2005

The Blind Boys of Alabama

Last ThursdayI spent the day climbing Church Mountain, a 6,900 foot peak that was once the home of an amazing forest service lookout. It was beautiful, though I was a bit freaked out hiking through the massive meadow near the hike's end. Not that meadows scare me, but I was slightly frightened being the first person through that day and seeing massive amounts of bear poop all around me. Honestly, I just don't want to die.

But Thursday night we went to Seattle and heard the Blind Boys of Alabama play. It was great music and a great show. But the coolest thing was how these guys were able to just share their joy in Christ, talk about the Holy Spirit, and have everybody in the crowd think they are great! How cool is that?

Anyway, after that I spent a few days in Whistler mountain biking. I am now finally back, and hopefully ready to handle some more work. I think I really needed to get away from all of this for a while. I just hope it was long enough!


Currently Reading: One Man's Wilderness: An Alaskan Odyssey by Sam Keith, Richard Proenneke. It's awesome. I might just move away one of these days and not return...

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