Thursday, June 30, 2005


I published a post that was actually satire from Larknews, but I was duped into thinking it was real (oops). I would have kept it up anyway becasue the link was funny, but the posting was bad and messing up my entire blog! I've said it before and I'll say it again, when it comes to these computer gizmos, I just ain't cool.


Oh by the way, today is my fifth wedding anniversary, so Effie and I are going to stay at the Chrysalis and even get some professional massages. Not bad, eh?


Darryl said...

It's satire...which means it's almost true enough to be real, sadly!

bob hyatt said...

it comes from a great satire site. Don't worry- no Warrenheads... yet.

Matt Martinson said...

Good to know...I almost started crying. Larknews is catching up to the onion these days!

Jason_73 said...

Hey do you guys have an "emergent" type church there in Bellingham? I'm in Abbotsford and would be interested in checking out any churches like such. If bad, and have a great day..