Thursday, June 09, 2005

A Community in the Spirit

For the past two weeks I have been seeing what happens when a youth ministry is based on communal faith. I am considering it an "experiment" and so far the results are mind-blowing.

Before the night began a freshman girl decided she wanted to start living this lifestyle and I was able to "say the prayer" with her (I'll write about that whole "say the prayer" thing another day). She wanted to be a Christ-follower after being lovingly welcomed into our group and hearing multiple student testimonies last week. Another student wanted prayer for an extremely dangerous surgery he is having, so 30 high school students gathered around him and prayed over him for nearly thirty minutes! That's not normal!

We aren't growing huge numerically. It is very slow, as is the spiritual growth. But both seem to be consistent. What more could I ask for?



Anonymous said...

a motorcycle.

Anonymous said...

Keep bein' faithful Matt! God honours a strong foundation. That's what your building. None of these are "microwavable" (read instant) but God's will, will be done!

"North of the 49th"

P.T. Peterson said...

That's great news, Matt! Sounds like your experiment is succeeding wonderfully (numbers be damned). I pray that the powers-that-be in your particular organization understand the true worth of what you are enabling with your youth, and don't get distracted by foolish business concepts of growth.

As I like to say, distraction is the tool of the devil. Stay focused, stay strong.