Monday, June 27, 2005

I'm Back

Wow, what a whirlwind tour of life! I had a leader retreat that went well, directly followed by a long, sleepless, overnight flight to Florida where I spoke at a retreat. The retreat was amazing and by the end every single student decided they wanted to take up the challenge of living the life of a disciple!

After the retreat I nearly missed my plane (I had to sprint through the Tampa airport), and then the plane at Dallas had engine problems, causing a 2 and a half hour delay. I got to Seattle late, causing me to be late to my last Mars Hill class, which was on Sabbath of all things! Afte the Sabbath class I went to a family reunion, and after that my wife's family spent the night to go hiking the next day after church! Busy!

Here's the frustrating thing: I go to this retreat where I feel loved and appreciated, then come back to do "Sunday School" with my group who spend the morning acting rude, bored and unimpressed. It was a frustrating end to a great week. I have no idea how to minister to teens. Most days I don't want to, but the problem is those days that go amazingly well. How do you rectify these two things? It is insane.

Anyway, I'm glad to be home, and to be back on the blogathon. I'll try to throw up some theoretical, theological, or hermeneutical thoughts very soon. Until then...


Currently Reading: The newest issue of Soujourners, which has a short but good article on the brilliant author Graham Greene.


P.T. Peterson said...

Welcome back to the real, frustrating world!

ronpie said...

It sounds like you teach some of the people I lead worship for at the Club...