Thursday, April 17, 2008

Very Little, Very Late

The theological implications of the two cartoons above may or may not be implying something from this blogger...
In a typically *brilliant* move, W has proposed voluntary emission cuts by big businesses within the next 20 years as the way to really put a stop to global warming. Big business volunteering to do something for the rest of the world. Hmm. I'm sure they'll be all over that, since they are our friends and protectors. Sarcasm never comes out as well on a blog... To be fair, I am tainted, as I have always been anything but a fan of this particular person. In fact, he represents some of the worst things I see in everyday life. Nevertheless, vague goals about some far-off goal are not even worth bringing up in the first place. This is the political version of cheap grace, trying to promote change without sacrifice. Why is it that nobody in our nation wants to sacrifice a darn thing? Why is it that we continue to live within this reality and pretend that it doesn't matter how horrific our decisions and lifestyles really are for future generations? Will somebody please let my daughter know that I tried really hard to fight against the ignorant stupidity of this generation for her sake?
P.S. - If there are any of those Christians reading this who think global warming is an Al Gore conspiracy, could you do me a favor and please not even bother leaving a comment? Thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll let her know, and I'll tell her that Global Warming was a conspiracy.