Thursday, January 17, 2008

Update on my Goals

I recently wrote about some "2008 Goals" I had decided upon (scroll down if you are interested, because I'm not putting a link here to further your laziness). In the spirit of accountability (and no, I don't mean the typical evangelical kind that focuses in one sin...I think you know what I'm talking about), I thought I'd share on how I'm doing:
  • Riding my bike to work. Check. It is a blast, but it is also hell. Once I force myself out the door, I have so much fun. I feel like a little kid again! The only problem: it is definitely a Bellingham winter. EVERY SINGLE DAY I ride one or more of the following is happening: rain, wind, deep freeze, snow, dark. There was one day where the weather was actually above 32 degrees and nothing was falling from the sky...and I got a flat tire. Still, believe it or not, I am having fun, helping the environment, and losing weight. Kind of a win/win/win.
  • Run 30 miles on my 30th birthday. I haven't exactly put a schedule on paper, but I'm up to 15 miles already, with exactly 4 months left to train. I think I should not only be in good enough shape to run it, but hopefully even be able to run the distance with a fair amount of speed. Beats crawling to the finish line...
  • Finish Old Testament Theology and Truth and Method. Umm... I looked at them sitting on my bookshelf and didn't get much further. But luckily I still have 11 and 1/2 months left.
  • Write more. Crap. Why'd I have to give myself so many goals... I have written a few things, which will be mentioned later in this post. But they weren't really what I was thinking about when I wrote about writing. Still need to work on this one.
  • Stop wussing out. Been doing better...and it's been getting me into tough situations. Oh well, I guess that's part of the process. I've been causing drama. I guess that's kinda cool.
  • Start living out my convictions. I've been doing better at this, though it is definitely just a start. Again, it's also getting me into trouble.
  • Eat better. Check. Less sugar, beer, ice cream and smaller portions. Woo-hoo. I'm hungry...
  • Stop taking work home with me. Crap... I'm trying.
  • Be a better friend. Sorry Ron.
  • Spend more time in nature. Not really, but refer to my bike issues... I did go for a short hike a few days ago and saw some black-tail deer in the process.
  • Organized athletics. n/a. Bellingham hasn't really had any, at least that I've heard about at this time.

There ya go. I'm doing okay with my first ever New Years-type goals. Maybe my 3rd grade teacher was right when she put on my report card; "sets goals and strives to achieve them." Wow.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, seriously dude. Hey, We always need people to play soccer.