Thursday, January 24, 2008


Here's some random links for ya'll to check out:

*Larry Lessig has put his book out on the internet for free. It is called The Future of Ideas and I would highly recommend that you download and read it. To understand who he is and what he is about, you can check out his blog or watch his incredible presentation at

*Brian McLaren was recently interviewed by the Sierra Club. It's a great listen.

*I don't know if I ever put a link up for this or not, but it is a letter from local Catholic bishops written in 2000 to defend the Columbia River Watershed, which the PNW needs to start doing.

*Naomi Klein has a new book out titled The Shock Doctrine. The premise sounds amazing. There is also an awesome short video to go along with it that you can watch on her website.

*I have been listening to the mp3's of a class on Heidegger at Berkley. If you want to really get to know and understand one of the most important thinkers in the past 100 years, and you have a lot of time on your hand, start listening (and taking notes)!

*Arrested Development the movie?!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, if only A.D. the movie were to happen. How could you not be excited?