Friday, October 19, 2007

Evan Almighty: A Half-Review

I finally sat down and watched Evan Almighty. Most likely I am the last person in the country to watch it who was at all interested to begin with. Regardless, I would like to share my humble, quick response to the movie, a half-review of sorts, since first of all I believe you have already seen it, and second, my thoughts on the movie are not fully thought-out, and I will most likely never finish putting them together.

While the acting, writing, and cinematography were nothing to write home about, this film had something to offer that few ever do. I honestly believe that it preached a better message than most of our churches. The message was something like this; God is about more than just sin managment. He is a God of justice, compassion, and care of the creation. The parallels between John Goodman's character and many modern-day political leaders was obvious, and the implications equally so. What a great reminder to Chrisitans that voting involves more than listening to ignorant-but-popular preachers and only voting against abortion and gay marriage. What about environmental destruction, unjust leaders, and rampant exploitation of the world's poor and lower middle classes? I guess what I'm saying is that behind the corny jokes regarding patriarchs and the way God uses his power, there was enough theological thinking, especially in showing how God interacts with his creation, to make this movie a fascinating watch for me. I hope we can all watch it with the desire for more than just being entertained.


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