Friday, February 02, 2007

What I've Been Up To

I'm excited about a few different things going on in my life at the moment, so I thought I'd just write 'em down really quick:
  1. This morning I went to a local used book store and bought two books. This is exciting to me because I haven't bought a book in a few months and was starting to twitch a little bit. One of the books is called Voices From The Margin, edited by R.S. Sugirtharajah. It's full of Biblical interpretation from scholars from the 2/3 world. I also bought The Foucault Reader. The truth is that although I've read a lot about Foucault, I've only read one of his books before. Why? Because I never felt worthy. But today is a new day and I am ready to study with one of my heroes-in-thinking.
  2. Our youth ministry has been doing something that we call "Mission Trip to Your Life." The thought behind it is that students treat their everyday lives like they would a mission trip. This is, obviously, what we are called to do anyways, but putting a title and theme to it has helped them grasp something that always seemed too abstract. They are being prayerful, intentional, loving, and supportive of one another this week and I am very pleased. Also, we have put together a blog where they are commenting on it and sharing their stories with one another. Pretty cool, huh?
  3. I'm watching Jesus Camp later today. It actually scares me a little because I don't know what I'll think about it or my faith afterwards, but it should be eye-opening.
  4. I had some strange revelations this week about poverty issues and how people in my church view them. I've been inspired to go the route Jim Wallis did before starting Sojourners: I have a Bible and am beginning to cut out all the passages that have to do with caring for the poor and marginalized. Should be an interesting discussion starter. Also, it's causing me to dig into scripture and pray in a way I have not done in years. I suppose that's a good thing...



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