Friday, January 19, 2007

The Ultimate Blog Makeover

Today is my day off and since two different people cancelled on me for both breakfast and lunch (welcome to youth ministry), I decided to spend my morning constructing the ultimate blog makeover! So I have changed my template, added lots of pictures, and even fixed, changed, deleted and added some links! I gotta say, this is the most fun I've had on my blog in months and I'm starting to re-remember why I like blogging.

As a sidenote, let me just say this is probably one of my nerdiest blog posts yet.

As a second sidenote, I'd like to put in a plug to say that Colin and I are taking some initiative and restarting our Christian Books that Don't Suck blog. The hope is that this will take off and be a place where people can go who like good books but don't know how to find them.


1 comment:

Sam Middlebrook said...

Inspirational.... :-)