Monday, January 22, 2007


I'm not a big confernce goer. I've been dragged multiple times to the Willow Creek Leadership Summit, which put a horrible taste in my mouth for all things conference-like. But even with that sad history, there are some that are worthwhile in this world. Here's a few upcoming that have caught my eye:

First, there is a conference coming in April called Praxis (sounds like a good one for me, considering the name of this blog), featuring presenters like Brian McLaren, Karen Ward, Eugene Cho, Randy Rowland and Dwight Friesen.

Also, Kurt at Wonderlust Theology told me about a conference that our friendly neighbors to the North are hosting at Trinity Western University called Religion, Culture, and Conlict. The name of the conference alone is intriguing and worth the drive if my life will allow me to escape up there.

Lastly, I would love to make it all the way over to the East Coast for the Emergent Theological Discussion, but that seems highly unlikely. I e-mailed Tony Jones about doing more things on the West coast, but I think he thought I was joking.

Let me know if you hear of any other worthwhile conferences, especially if they are actually in the Pacific Northwest, since it's so rare!



ronpie said...

You should go to the conference of hanging out with ron and cynthia. You may actually enjoy that one, or not.

Peace to the middle earth,

Kurt Ingram said...

Anytime you want you can catch good ol Joel Osteen on TBN

Anonymous said...

Send me a response and I will keep you updated regarding our occasional conferences in Tacoma WA. Our last was with Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch (Check out "The Shaping of Things To Come, The Forgotten Ways, and Exiles). Oh, and by the way, great thoughts on your blog.
Life and Love,
Paul Sparks