Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Some Randoms

  1. The governator, who seems to get far more press time than any other politician, just announced a plan for extending health care coverage for nearly every Californian. Although it is far from perfect, I'm glad to see more people getting on board and realizing there is no humane reason for denying another human being health care.
  2. You can now watch The Office online. I don't have cable, so you have no idea how happy this makes me.
  3. I wonder what the difference is between this archbishop's collaboration with a communist government and most American pastors' collaboration with the exploitive, militaristic, consumeristic society we live in. I guess ours is more subtle in the way it takes away lives and souls.
  4. The New York Times just ran an article pointing out that George W.'s tax cuts are helping the rich more than anybody else. Doesn't everybody already know this?
  5. I don't really like football, but I happened to see the end of the Seahawks game the other day. Surprisingly, I got really excited. Go Hawks, I guess.



Currently Reading: Walter Brueggemann's The Prophetic Imagination. You should already know that he is brilliant and everything he touches turns to gold. You gotta love anybody who's willing to question all of the kings and their dynasties in Samuel and Kings...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live in California. I don't think Arnold (I'll never be able to spell his last name) would get as much press if he wasn't a movie star. However, I also don't think he'd get as much press if he wasn't the governor since his film career had pretty much stalled. It's like a perfect storm of media interest.

By the way, have you seen the British version of The Office? The US version is good, but the British version is amazing. Of course I saw the British version first and fell in love with those characters, so seeing the American facsimiles felt strange. It probably would work the other way around if you started with the US show.