Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Random Links, Thoughts, Etc...

These are just some things that have been running through my life lately...

What is most frustrating to me this week is the fact the George W. restarted the School of the Americas and nobody in the US even blinked. If you don't know what this "school" is for, I'll fill you in quickly. The SOA is a military training camp in Georgia. At this camp we train Latin/South American men to kill, torture, and brutalize, then send them back to their home countries to do just that. Besides nuking Japan, it's probably one of the most shameful things in our past (and that's even including slavery). So right now you are probably wondering why the hell we would restart such an evil program. The answer is simple: our neighbors to the south are turning to the left again. US business interests need right-wing governments down there so we can get rich off the backs of the people, so we are going to have to eliminate democracy and bring back the good ol' days of massive "disappearances," burning of villages, raping of nature, women and children, and of course displacements of whole people groups. Not to mention violent of overthrows of democratically elected persons by the government of the one nation that claims to desire nothing less than the spread of freedom and democracy across the world. Golly gee, who doesn't want to get excited about this one! For more info, you can check out the SOA Watch link on my sidebar.

Another interesting website that has been of great interest to me lately is Naomi Klein's No Logo site. I thought about linking one article, but every single one she writes is great and extremely relevant to what is going on today.

There is a great new (or at least new to me) satirical website called The Church You Know. Watch some of the videos and see if you don't think it's brilliant. Of course the people who need to see this will probably get nothing from it, but I love it all the same.

Also, I'm glad to see this Christian Vision Project coming to life. It's far from being a deeply theological movement, but it is a step in the right direction for evangelicals trying to find a voice in the missional church movement.


Currently Reading (and loving): The Trinity and the Kingdom by Jurgen Moltmann. This is his fourth book I've read, but also probably my favorite yet. It is brilliant, beautiful, and still needs to be engaged with and talked about now, 26 years after it was written. I think I might blog a bit about it in the coming week or two. But either way, you need to check it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Miroslav Volf said of Moltmann -- who supervised Volf's PhD -- that Moltmann is the "most fertile theologian of the second half of the 20th century." Volf mentioned that over 200 doctoral dissertations have been written on Moltmann's theology.

For all budding theologians out there: get your hands on some Moltmann. Whether you agree with him or not, you're going to have to interact with him as his thought is shaping the landscape.