Thursday, February 02, 2006

N.T. Wright

This morning I read N.T. Wright's article, The Historical Jesus and Christian Theology. I continue to beleive that if every Christian read and engaged with Wright's works, the world would be a better place. Anyway, I wanted to share this quote from the article:

"The cross and resurrection won the victory over evil, but it is the task of the Spirit, and those led by the Spirit, to implement that victory in and for all the world. This task demands a freshly-drawn worldview: new praxis, stories, symbols, and answers. These come together into a fresh vision of God in which - precisely because of this re-discovery of who God is - history, theology, spirituality, and vocation recover their proper relationship. For Jesus' followers, finding out who Jesus was in his historical context meant and means discovering their own tasks within their own contents."

Chew on that for a while.

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