Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Church Has Left the Building

I'm really excited about this conference that I will hopefully be attending April 28-29 in Seattle. It's called The Church Has Left the Building, and it's put on by Mustard Seed Associates. What is amazing/wonderful for me is three of the main things it looks like they'll be focusing on are missionality, spirituality, and community, which are the three main focuses of my ministry. Besides the fact that its exciting to go somewhere where people hold the same values, hopefully it also means that I can get my church to foot the bill...

In all honesty, though, I typically have a strong dislike (aka hatred) for conferences and feel like most churches/pastors waste too much money going to these things. But this looks a lot different to me and I am both intrigued and excited to go. It looks like I'll need to pick up a couple of related books to read beforehand...any excuse to buy more books, I'll take.


Currently Reading: Christ the Lord : Out of Egypt by Anne Rice, and The Anointing of the Sick by Karl Rahner. I'm still in shock over Rice's recent conversion. It's wild.

1 comment:

ronpie said...

sell out