Sunday, July 10, 2005

Lectio Divina

Reading Tony Jones' book Read, Think, Pray, Live was a wonderful reminder to me of how important it is to develop some sort of prayer/meditative rule for my life. It is a book aimed more at students than adults, but it was still very helpful for me. My job typically leaves me feeling stressed to the point of feeling an ulcer in my stomache that makes it feel as if an alien is about to pop out of me! When I practice lectio, which I have begun to do this past week, things feel better.

I don't want to promote this as some sort of "fix all your problems" solution to life, but it is amazing. I need a reminder to chill, rest in God's presence, and grow in faith in a way that is beyond simply learning more stuff about God. Dwelling in His presence is much more profound than knowing the "facts" about what being in His presence is like. One grows our brain, but the other transforms us. This week I am starting a lectionary to go with my lectio times, so we'll see how that goes...


Currently Reading: Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders.

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