Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Christian Music

Though I hate the title "Christian Music," I'm thinking it has gotten a bad rap in recent years. Tomorrow morning I leave to spend five days at Creation West, Washington's biggest Christian music festival. Honestly, I'm not super-excited about the music, but that's partly because I just don't like concerts.

Any musician who is trying to use his or her gifts in order to praise God is alright with me. Yes, there is the whole issue with people getting famous and making bank off of worshipping God, which is frustrating to say the least, but the overall thrust of the scene is still good. I think many in the postmodern scene have ripped on this scene because it is corny and therefore an easy target...okay, I've often been one of them...but the truth is that we should be singing along with it and enjoying it, just as the ancient Israelites chose to sing David's songs rather than some trendy Jebusite tune that could be twisted to be about God. Let's not let the negatives of Christian music take away something great.

Just some thoughts from a guy who doesn't typically listen to Christian music but is thinking about starting.

Peace, and see you in a week,

Currently Reading: The Sacrament of the Present Moment by Jean-Pierre De Caussade.

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