Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Done With Seminary... Now what?

Yesterday was my last day of classes this semester, and I graduate on the 7th of May. How strange. Mars Hill Graduate School was amazing. I came expecting to gain more head knowledge, but I am leaving as a transformed person. It was hard, both in a time sense, but also in a "let's rip into your heart and see what's really going on down there" kind of sense, but I would do it again in a second.

That brings me to the confusing part of this: what do I do now? For the moment I need a break, but there are thoughts rolling around in my head about a Masters in Theology, or a D. Min., but I don't know if I can take it. I think part of me just wants to be part of something that is beautiful, because I don't see much beauty in the local church. There is potential for it, but I rarely see it, and that is what I want to be a part of. That's what I loved about Mars Hill. I will miss it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Congratulations on finishing! It's encouraging to hear that some seminaries exist which actually breathe life into eager young ministers rather than suck life out of them. Of course, this comes from someone who finished a mere A.A. degree (does that actually count as a degree?) at a Christian college and hasn't had first-hand seminary experience. Just relating what I've heard from others.

You may not know this, but you're one of my heroes. Cue Bette Midler.
