Monday, April 18, 2005

Birthdays and Religion

To those who would care, or even read this, yesterday was my birthday. I had a blast just being with some friends as we barbequed, skateboarded and just talked for hours. What more could I ask for?

For a gift my wonderful wife bought me Scott Adams' book The Religion War. All I had ever read from him was Dilbert, but I was more than pleasantly surprised by what he did with this book. It is set in a not-so-distant future in which the world is divided between the Christian and Muslim peoples. The premise is that both sides are equally ignorant war-mongers who are too confident that God is on their side to listen to reason (boy, that doesn't sound at all like modern America, does it?). Now they are ready to destroy the planet and all life on it just to conquer their enemies.

The twist? It is only through the relationships between average, everyday people that the world is saved. It is through relationships between people who respect one another and desire to pass on humor and kindness to others because of the kindness they have recieved that the world is saved. It is not through hate, punishment, judgment or any sort of proof that the other is wrong, but simply a desire to reach out to the other that saves the world and all who inhabit it. Sounds familiar...

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