Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I guess since Ron and Brad both mentioned their Lenten decisions, I will follow their lead and say a word or two.

First of all, I decided to give up following politics for Lent. I know most people would gladly do so anyways, but I actually enjoy following what's going on and offering my two cents as they continually put their feet in their mouths. But for the next month and a half I will not seek out speeches or try to find out who is ahead, etc. I am taking a break. This should also help me become more positive for a while.

Second, I am picking something up during Lent. Specifically, I have begun fixed-hour prayers again, with the help of Phyllis Tickle's wonderful The Divine Hours. I plan to at least follow the prayers through Easter.

Third, I am teaching about Lent with my youth ministry, which I have never done before. I am using the Desert Fathers to guide us through it, which I at least will find enjoyable.



Anonymous said...

you should have picked up hanging out with Ron for Lent.

Have you read the "Foreskins Lament"? I think I may order it off of Amazon.

Anonymous said...

Ron, that sounds dirty.

Aren't you glad I've left such a meaningful comment on your blog?