Thursday, June 14, 2007

Read this article I wrote...

I just posted a new blog article on the Silhouette page about Franz Kafka, and you should read it! I'd love comments, thoughts, questions, etc. I'm thinking of trying to write a few extended essays based on this shorter one, so feedback is especially nice this time around. And I think you might just find it fascinating.


1 comment:

Deadmanshonda said...

Found your blog through Knox-- I like it. I read the article and was impressed with the amount of Kafka you have read-- so many people read metamorphasis and leave it at that...I found Kafka in Prague-- my aunt gave me a stack of his books and I was astounded not only by the imagery, but the prophetic nature of his writing. That someone could write an entire book about a place they have never been (Amerika) stunned me. You did him justice in your article, I think. Not that I have any kind of prof. opinion-- but I thought you did well with it.