Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A Better Mix of Jesus and Politics

Last night Sojourners had a candidates forum in which they grilled the Democratic presidential hopefuls about areas that matter to people of faith; specifically poverty and poverty-related issues. I don't have CNN, but watched the highlights on Jim Wallis' blog. What I love about this is, 1. it spreads the debate beyond the Iraq war and fear of otherness (terrorism, immigrants, etc), 2. it is the church attempting to care for the least of these rather than the status quo, and 3. it seems less like the church going partisan and more like the church saying it cares about the Kingdom of God and it will vote accordingly.*

*Yes, there are problems when you talk about the Kingdom of God and politics in the same sentence. But some days I'll take what I can get. And in case you are wondering and don't follow Sojourners, they desire to do a similar event with the Republican candidates, which is why I feel like this is not a partisan deal.


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