Monday, April 24, 2006

Prayer Retreat

Last Saturday I took a small group of high school students to the Dominican Reflection Center in Edmonds, Washington. I spent the day meditating on a fragment of Psalm 52; "I am like an olive tree, flourishing in the house of the Lord." I had no idea why this verse mattered until it two images came into my head. The first was of me in a house being trained into godliness: memorizing scripture, praying fervently, fasting, etc, like basic training for Jesus. Then I saw an actual tree in a house, which turns out to be an absurd image. But the tree is happy to just dig its roots deep into the soil and allow itself to be nurtured to health. The tree flourishes, not because of all its hard work, but because of where it puts its roots down. To flourish for me doesn't mean doing more stuff for God, but being rooted in him. It's a nice thought for me these days.

Anyways, it was a wonderful day and I know that I need to do this sort of thing much more often than I currently do.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really need to do something like this. And soon.
