Thursday, November 15, 2007

So Many Good Links!

I've been seeing and reading so much cool stuff lately, which is a very nice change from a lot of the garbage I'd been seeing. So, without further ado, and in no particular order, here are your links!

  • Amazon has put up its Best Books of 2007. Its a great resource for any other book nerds out there.

  • Greg Boyd has been blogging about heresy, and asking whether the greatest heresy is to believe the wrong things, or to live the gospel out in the wrong way. You can see his thoughts on this subject here, here, and here.

  • David Fitch has totally ripped into Willow Creek's Reveal research. It is a bit more blunt than I am used to scholars being, but it is well worth the read.

  • Jurgen Moltmann was just in Seattle for a few lectures. I unfortunately missed it, as my child was being born at the same time. But, SPU has posted some helpful stuff online for those of us who could not attend. They have created a sweet Moltmann bibliography, a short write-up in the school newspaper, and an iTunes link so you can hear Moltmann lecture on The Vital Power of Hope.

  • This is an old article that I just read for the first time. It is by Phyllis Trible (one of my heroes), is a great introduction to her way of reading and writing about scripture, and is titled Feminist Hermeneutics and Biblical Studies.

  • A friend gave me a copy of an article from Radiant magazine that I enjoyed by Sara Groves, but I cannot find it online anywhere. I don't know anything about Sara Groves, but I like these lyrics she wrote and the fact that this is all based on Paul Farmer, another one of my heroes. Who knows, even though I am so frugal/cheap, I might even download the song...

Okay, that's all of the links I can think of putting up today. I hope you check them out and enjoy and/or are challenged.




Anonymous said...

matt, thanks for the links...I can't wait to hear Moltmann

ronpie said...

it doesn't surprise me that you like sara groves, because she was an english teacher before she was a rockstar. Those Boyd links are great! Thanks for the link to SPU.
