Friday, March 30, 2007


Yup, that's right folks! It's the busiest time of year for church employees, I have a ton of stuff going on at work, including Easter stuff, a week-long camp, weekly program, and a Spring retreat; but I needed a break!

My car broke down yesterday, but I wasn't letting that stop me! My little brother came and picked me up last night at 9:30 and I hit the road with him and my parents today. We are in Yakima right now, heading to Bend, Oregon tomorrow, and then have no idea where we're going after that. My dad's chemotherapy makes him very cold all the time, so we're basically looking for sun and warmth... So that probably means South. I'll let you know more when I know. But either way, I'm just glad to be on the road. It feels nice to be away and let go of a lot of the stuff that was pulling me down. Hallelujah for all things vacation!



My name is Shauna said...

yeah for vacation and time with the family!!! Enjoy your time, we had a great sunday night and shadow will hopefully be done my 2 tomorrow!

justin said...

you slacker ;-)