Friday, September 30, 2005


Motorcycles, Donald Miller, and Donald Miller's Impending Doom

Okay, that's an idiotic title, but we're going with it.

First bit of news is that I almost bought a motorcycle this week. It was a sweet bike, but way overpriced. I'm excited though, because that means I am officially looking and will hopefully own one soon. Vroom.

Secondly, I heard Donald Miller speak yesterday. It wasn't anything earth-shattering, especially since he basically shared what he's already written in his books, but it was still fun. I'm glad people are listening to a guy like him, who is trying to eliminate the whole "5 steps to biblical happiness" concept from Christianity and bring it back to a real feeling of loving relationship. It's a good start.

Lastly, I read some good articles yesterday that got me really excited about the hermeneutical task. Reading Jurgen Moltmann and Paul Ricoeur together was fascinating. I won't recap their arguments, but I'll try to share what I received after reading both and swirling them together in my mind. The author is not important (yes, like death of the author), but what is important is the transformation that occurs when a text comes upon the reader. The text is a mirror, showing our story for what it is and what is lacking. Think of Paul writing to the Corinthians. If we are thinking of authorial intent, the text has nothing to say to the 21st century believing community, because it is written to a certain group at a certain time. But if we put that aside and see how the text speaks into our own lives, how this story comes upon our own, we are transformed by the interaction. This is where the Spirit works. And we know it is the Spirit when it brings life. With the Spirit moving, the reader "becomes the reader of oneself," discovering a "new mode of being from the text itself." Our new mode of being, is not the suicidal will to power of Nietzsche, but an ontology of living into the New Testament narrative in which the Father, Son and Spirit demonstrate "relationships of fellowship and are open to the world."

Sorry if this doesn't make sense to you, the reader. I'm excited about it, but what do I know: I'm just the dead author of this blog entry!


Currently Reading: I'm back on Gadamer's Truth and Method again. I had to take a break before. It is tough reading. Profound, but long.

Currently Listening To: A compilation of my favorite Wilco songs I put together yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Debunking the Liberal Monopoly on Goodness
Here is a quote that I find objectionable from Arianna Huffington in The Huffington Post : If this is what integrity looks like, let's bring back Oval Office **** jobs.
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ronpie said...

hahahaha. Now the annoying anonymous blogger has hit you.
Donald miller? You are so 2004.
Motorcycles? You are so pastoral material.
Annoying replies that have nothing to do with your blog?
You are so ron pai